Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Undead Center!

Remember how I had said how we only had about three zombies at my school? Well, now we have seven! The four of them, best friends, three guys one girl, committed suicide. Overdosed. Ethan, Matthew, Josh, and Madison. Their parents, none of them wanted them back. So, guess what? We have a 'home' for the undead. It was Troy's (who is doing MUCH better) idea, and we're called it the U.C. The Undead Center. It was about to be named the Differently Biotic Center, but we kept that from happening. While it's 'official' name is Undead Center, we call it the Graveyard. Chloe's idea, 'cause U.C. was to... political and professional for us. Now, any zombie who doesn't have somewhere to live, lives at the Graveyard. Its kinda like the Haunted House. The people who actually started the U.C. told us we could design it. They are renovating it, and other than a BUNCH of bedrooms, we are adding a club, a den, and an exercise/rehabilitation room. We might add some more, but we haven't talked about anything else. If you have any ideas for the Graveyard, then comment away! Its gonna be such a rocking hangout for the d.b. and our trad friends! I can't wait!

~Lily Benan

P.S. Madison was Kat's cousin, and Kat is freaking out. She won't even visit her at the Graveyard.


  1. You are interesting, Lily.


  2. Thank you, I'd love it if you'd become a follower....?



  3. That's really cool! I wanna go to the Graveyard, haha

    Madison is Kat's cousin? how ironic...

  4. Paris~

    I know, right? It wasn't funny at all that she died, but it was kinda of funny to see Kat's reaction... she won't even visit her cousin!! The bioism in this world..
    Ohmigosh! I got chosen for Tommy Williams' ZAA thing! He is coming to my town!

  5. hey thats really cool. man i wish i was a zombie.

  6. Brooklyn~

    Are you human? vamp? Werewolf?



About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life