Well, I've finally decided to post how I became a zombie. After I read madiSON's story, I decided, I might as well post mine. In this post, I am only writing to the feelings of waking up and that stuff. Pretty much just to arriving home from the hospital. Another day, I will write more details on what happened after I... undied, as well as my brother's re-termination. Sorry it took me soooo long to post, I've been busy, and haven't had much time to write it down. Here goes.
My dad was out of town, and my mom wanted some peace and quiet, so, my brother Lucas, who was 18 at the time, as he would of been forever, was taking me to the book store; we both were major readers. It had only been about 3 months since teenagers started rising from the dead. We had heard of the white van clan, but we always thought they were just a group of rebels; we had never known any zombies. We didn't have a problem with the undead, but, we didn't quite think of them as normal, or as normal as us. Anyway, we were on our way home from the book store, and Lucas was looking at his new book. I was looking at mine, Generation Dead. It was all about people who were living in a world like ours, zombies and humans, and the hate between many of them. (Little did I know then that the main character, Tommy Williams, would be coming to my home town... because I asked him to!) When he looked up from his book, we both just saw a flash of white in front of us, and we crashed. The van had tried to swerve away, but instead, just crashed right into our car, the driver's side. Lucas's side.
* * *
I woke up a few hours later in a beige room, a hospital room. I was light-headed, and felt as if I might die. Well, I was in so much pain that I thought, 'I'd rather die then feel like this.' (be careful what you wish for). The doctor came in, and he told me that I was going to make it. I would of asked when the pain would go away, but I couldn't speak. I was way out of it. So instead, I made a small grunting noise to show I understood.
"Your brother, though, was not quite so lucky. He heart is still going, but I'm afraid he won't last much longer. He had an awful concussion and I'm sorry to say there isn't much we can do to help him," he said.
Until then, I'd been fighting the pain, trying my best to stay alive. But when I heard that I was going to have to live without Lucas, I gave up. He was my brother, my 'accomplice in crime', and my best friend. Life without him would be miserable. So I stopped trying, I sort of, gave into the pain.
I heard the doctor's faraway voice yelling, "No, Lily! Don't give up now! Try! Fight the pain! Fight to stay alive!" My mother ran in as well.
"Dr. Temple, what's happening!? Save her! Lily, try!" But I couldn't. I didn't. I heard my monitor quit beating, my heart stopping. The highlights of my life began to flash in front of me.
Age 4- Bringing my first puppy, Max, home from rescue center. He licked Lucas's face, I giggled.
Age 6- My birthday party at the water park. I fell off the slide and hit my head. Lucas came to help me.
Age 8- Performing last at a piano concert, perfectly playing Fur Elise. A standing ovation.
Age 9- Breaking my leg, I tripped when I was walking into my math class. I also fell, hard walking down the stairs in my house; I wasn't coordinated on crutches. Lucas taught me how to use them.
Age 10- Moving to a new town, a new school, new friends.
Age 12- My best friend Chloe (who was the first friend I made when I moved), Lucas, and I flew to Disney World for a week! We rode every roller coaster again and again.
And now this. As I saw what I great life I had, I briefly considered fighting, willing my body to stay alive. Then I remembered that Lucas is one of the things that had made my life so great. The last thing I thought, 'I love you Lucas, I'll miss you'.
After that, everything went black. And I don't remember anything from then until what I later found out was the next day.
* * *
My eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the same beige room I had been in when I died. And then I realized, I died. I shouldn't be seeing this. Is it a memory? A hope? An illusion? Dr. Temple walked in, expecting to see a dead girl sitting on the room, and he gasped.
"T-t-t-am-m-mie," he said, using my mother's name, "I think Lil-l-ly is-s, ummm, uh, she'ssss um."
Mom was frustrated and upset, as would be any mother's who daughter had just died.
"I know," she sniffed, "she's dead." Dr. Temple was still speechless and shocked, but he managed to muster up the words, "Not anymore."
Just two words, how can they have such an effect on someone? They can make you cry, laugh, they can make you love, make you regret, and they can ever restore hope in someone. Thats what they must of done to my mother, because for a split second, she must of thought I was really alive, and that it must of been just a terrible nightmare. Then, the truth dawned on her. I wasn't dead, but she knew I wasn't completely alive. But that was okay with her, she saw me looking at her and she yelled with joy, "Lily! How are you feeling? Oh, Lily!"
I knew what it said, but my body wasn't responding, I couldn't speak.
"Honey! Honey, talk to me! Lily, please!" I felt her despair, a hard blow in the chest. I wanted to respond, wanted to tell that I was okay, but I couldn't. I told my mouth to say something, but it wouldn't. I couldn't control my body. I remember thinking, 'Talk. Say. Mom. Move mouth. Try. Focus. Mom. Love mom. For, her. Try'
I heard the doctor say, "My, I've only read about differently biotic, I've never been in close contact with one." He spoke of me as if I was some alien! "Its normal that they don't talk at first. From what I've read it seems like it takes a while for them to adjust. She'll be having a lot of trouble," Dr. Temple said.
"How long will it be before she can..." she paused. Looking for the right word, "function again?"
"It varies, anywhere from a week to never. She might be a lucky one."
Yeh. Real lucky. I hated that doctor from the minute I undied. 'Stu, pid, doc, tor.' were my exact thoughts. They kept me in a hospital for about a week, to see if I could start to function. They made me stay in that bed! How was I supposed to try when I'm trapped in a hospital bed!? Once again, stupid doctor.
* * *
After the pointless week at the hospital, with Dr. Retard my mom drove me home. As I said, my dad was out of town on a business trip, and he came home immediately. He was shocked to see my usual lively self, now an immobile D.B. Oh and my sister, Bella.... another story or another post.
From that point, good things happened, as well as some bad ones, but you'll get those details later, in another post.
P.S. If you haven't already figured it out, I love irony.