Thursday, June 4, 2009

Guest Speaker #2 madiSON!

As well as asking Tony, I also asked madiSON if she would post something. She sent me an email. Here's what she said:

hey. I don't know exactly what to say since I've never posted on anyone elses blog but I love all humans though they don't see us the way we see them. Vampires, humans, werewolves, and zombies. Aren't really that different. Vampires are immortal, suck blood (NOt human blood) and other things that are harmless to humans, werewolves are just half humans and half wolf. What's so wrong about that? Zombies well they are just people that died and came back to life. And humans well they are humans, but they have things way better. They don't have to go around hiding secrets and being called  a monster. But We all have one thing in common. We were once human. Vampires were human and they turned, zombies they were human then they died and came back, and werewolves they were born with wolf in their blood but they are still human. We aren't monsters. We're just different. I just wish humans would see that. Though some of us are bad, most of us are good. Humans have that same problem. There are humans that kill others and hurt people too. Humans and our different kind shouldn't be called monsters. Because we aren't. We just can't change who we are. And they can't either. We are just being ourselves.

The three sentences that I highlighted in green, I love! Because we ARE different! And like Madison said, there are humans who do bad things. But then the rest of the living humans say/think, "Oh. Well, not all people are bad. Its just that one person. People shouldn't judge us because of what just ONE person did." 

Well, then they shouldn't judge us either. Just because, say, one zombie (or vampire or werewolf), did something wrong, then most people would assume that ALL OF US are killing creatures and came back to Earth to, I don't know, end the human race. People are also really quick to assume that it was the M.C.'s (mythical creatures) that did something wrong. 'Oh, of COURSE it wasn't us, we're humans!' 
So are we! Just a little different. Well, maybe more than a little, but still! Ugh. That makes me so angry! I better go, before I take all my anger out on you ;) 

Thanks again to Madison! If anyone else wants to send an email about anything, my address is

I hope to get email!

P.S. The Madison V in the tags means madiSON the vampire. It kept trying to change it to Madison (the zombie) so I am going to put Madison V when it is the blog follower and author of vampirelicious everything. Thanks


  1. I think its great that you're having guest speakers so that people can see what their views are too!
    and yes, I'll send an email with my post on Saturday :) today's kinda busy, but I'm free tomorrow!
    BTW I love that 'Zombie: Eat Flesh' pic! soo funny!!

  2. Paris~

    Great, I can't wait to get the email! Yeah and the Zombie: Eat Flesh thing rocks! When I saw it, I was laughing so hard. Well more of.. well... zombie laughs!


  3. Hey, Lily, it's Kimi (Yuukas friend) I couldn't agree with madiSON more. Humans have the same problem as us. I mean i dont kill humans though I'm a demon. I guess its more fear than anything. "One bad apple can spoil the bunch." At least, thats what a friend of mine used to say.

    a friend to All,

  4. Kimi~

    Thats a good point. The fear thing. They might be afraid that we might, I don't know, kill them all, or try to take over the world or some crap like that. They're just scared of things that are different then them.



About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life