Sunday, June 21, 2009

Status Reports :) and more....

First of all I must say... HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

Sorry I haven't posted much about my friends and every thing happening around here. Well, I told you about Anney... and she's super awesome! She wanted to write a little something. She, and a few other people, might be writing some on my blog. As long as the want to. Here's what Anney said:

Hi everyone! I'm so glad to be a part of Lily's, Chloe's, and all our friends worlds. They are being so helpful, and I just wanted to say hi! I love meeting to people, so if there's anything anyone wants to say to me, go ahead! I love to talk to people! :-)
Viva la Vida ;-)

She's so great! My little sister Bella thinks so too. And so does Ethan... ooh la laa! Anyways, everyone really likes hangin' out at the Graveyard. Thats where we spend most of our time when we're not at school. And since its summer, we are practically always there, 'cause its so fun!

Random, but I must tell you: There's this guy at my school, Kat's boyfriend, Dean. He's a Popular as well. Kat's hate of db' + Dean's hate of them = MASSIVE LOATHING! He, well, lets just say he took matters into his own hands. No one at school has ever hurt, or even threatened the undead before. Boy did he. He hasn't hurt anyone.... yet. But Troy and Matthew were talking and he told them that he will 'not give up until all of the zombies are dead, forever!' Great. So here I will let you know how each of us are doing and a little about them.

Anney- living at the U.C. Doing great! She is almost as functional as Chloe and I, and she's making a lot of friends! (well only a few trads, but still some... mostly us dbs.) One of my closest friends, along with Chloe and Madison! She hasn't been ready to tell us how she died (which I totally understand) but she said that when she does want to she will post a little here. She had dirty blonde hair, and its kind of wavy. She usually wears it in braided-pigtails. She has brown-black eyes, very dark and very big and very pretty.

Chloe- My best friend, and like I said, with Anney and Madison. She is a lot like Karen DeSonne, she is hot according to Josh (he said that the first time he met her.), and some people wouldn't know she was a zombie if we didn't tell them. She has curly brown hair, that is almost as vibrant and shiny as ever. Fair skin, but she had that when she was alive. She's very... lively. ;-)

Ethan- he's doing a lot better. He walks quite slow and talks slowly, but he can walk and talk none-the-less! He has a surfer dude style. Blondish hair that flips (you know what I mean :) with hazel eyes and tan skin. Like I said, surfer. I hope he starts to function more so he can surf again! Oh and I think he really likes Anney! Awww! ;-)

Josh- gone.

Troy- As functional as Ethan. He has black hair that is a little wavy and is as rebellious as Madison. He always hangs with her and might like her!

Madison- She can't function as well as Anney yet, but we can tell she's moving quickly (not as in walks fast but as in will most likely recover soon). She's really funny and very rebellious. Anney, Madison, Chloe, and I are really close. She has straight, jet black hair to her shoulders; very edgy and fits her well.

Matthew- The most functional guy. He is funny and caring. He has pale skin, has short dark hair with bangs that go over his face and light brown eyes. He is my best guy friend. He told me his story, but he asked me not to tell anyone what it was just yet, because none of our friends know yet either. Sorry, it'll have to be another time.

And for me, I didn't want to write more about myself so I got Chloe, Anney and Madison (mostly madison) to do it. They are sleeping over.

Lily- Her hair is long, strawberry blonde, and naturally straight. But it will curl, braid, or do anything, while some people's straight hair won't curl or change. She has bright blue eyes, and she is really funny. She always knows how to lighten the mood. She is very athletic and loves purple. She is functional and could probably pass for a living person if it wasn't for the scars on her arm from the wreck. While Chloe is "hot like the sun" (Josh said that before he was re-terminated), Anney heard Matthew telling Troy that "Lily is beautiful and vibrant like the moon" So sweet! This is Chloe now and I guess I'm the sun and Lily is the moon?

OMG! Why didn't they tell me that he said that!? And if the take out what I highlighted in pink then it may work, but... ?

Troy likes Madison (we think)
Ethan likes Anney (we think)
Matthew likes me... maybe.
We need to find someone for Chloe!!! ;-)
So much love in the air... *sigh, giggle*

But, there isn't really much else. My mom wants to bake a pie for father's day, so rock on!
Peace Out,


  1. AAAAwwwww that is really sweet. Hi Anney!

  2. Brooklyn-

    Hi! I, sorta kinda, like Ethaan too. *blush blush* ;-)


  3. AWWW. Lily do you like Matthew???? He's your BGF so there's gotta be SOMETHING going on. lol.

    ANNEY! You should so totally ask him out! Hello?! LOVE IS IN THE AIR. TEEHEE

    ``werewolf moon``

  4. D'aww
    between Werewolf Moon and you guys I'm gonna die from the cuteness! <3 It's really good to hear that you're all doing great!

    ANNEY! LILY! MADISON! Ask those boys out already! They obviously like you!
    and yes, you need to find someone for Chloe!

    I guess summer brings love! <3 haha

  5. Werewolf Moon~

    ..........Yeh. If he doesn't ask me out within a week, I will. Okay so if he hasn't asked me out by next Monday I'll ask him out. I just don't want to hurt our friendship. But I'll drop some hints and see if he does too. Thanks!


    Werewolf Moon-

    I am asking Ethan out... today. Scratch that. Tomorrow. They're having 'Guys Night' tonight. They went to see a horror movie. The other girls and I wanted to go, but they wanted to hang by themselves. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Thankya Tony!


  6. Paris~

    If you read the messages we wrote to Tony ^^^^ then you know that we are each going to ask out our dude. Anney tomorrow, and Lily, well read it ^^^. But Madison is another thing, SHE WONT ASK TROY OUT!!!! No matter what we do she is convinced Troy doesn't like her!!! Ugh its SOOOO irritating! And Chloe.... she likes this trad boy! He showed up at the Graveyard and introduced himself, we realized that he goes to our school. Him and Chloe talked forever!!!!! We'll update you all of us in the next post. But for now feel free to ask any questions!



About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life