Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey everybody!!! I have some major new! OMG major news! I would of posted it on Thursday (when I started the post, but I didn't have time to finish it.) :( Well this isn't the major news but it is pretty cool. I went to New York City for the weekend and I went to a baseball game, and I saw a group of zombies there! There were six of them! Four girls and 2 guys! I went to the game with my friend, Lizzie that lives in NY and she's a trad, so at first she was a little, well, uncomfortable, but then she ended up having a lot of fun! There was Charlie, Tyler, Ashley, Sarah, Liv, and Jen. Most of them were super nice, but Tyler and Sarah kinda creeped me and Lizzie out. Other than Tyler and Sarah, we had a blast! We all exchanged numbers and emails, and they said they might come down and stay at the the Graveyard for a few days! Speaking of emails, I have one for all my friends for zombie stuff! So don't email me at my other one. Email me here, at: Thanks!

Okay, so, remember how I said that Chloe really liked that stud-muffin Seth? Well she asked him out (yesterday), and here's how the conversation went:
Chloe: being the brave one that she is, she just jaunted up to him and said, "Wanna catch a movie sometime?"
Seth: "um, uh, umm.."
Chloe: "Or dinner? Or something else?"
Seth: "Well, its j-just that, umm, I'm-m-m alive, and your... n-n-nnot."
Chloe: tearing up and getting angry, said "So, you won't going out with me because I'm not trad?!"
Seth: "Please don't get mad. Its just, p-people might--"
Chloe: "People might WHAT?! People might say something!? Who cares!" Now she had tears rolling down her face, not because he rejected her, but why he said no. If he had said (and meant it) that he said no because they didn't know each other well, she would've been fine. Totally, "whatever." But it wasn't like that. Then he said,
Seth: "I don't mind that your a zombie, just, my parents would."
Chloe: "Get out of here Seth! If you hate zombies that much, then why'd you come!?
Seth: "I tol-"
Chloe: "Go!" After he left, she muttered, "It was a rhetorical question."

She's really upset. She's still in her room crying. We've tried to help her, but she made us leave. After I post this I am going up to help her...

So, remember what I said about Matthew? Well... Z gave me some advice: "Ask him out. Guys like it when you take charge." So I did. And... HE SAID YES!!!!! I was IM-ing with Yuuka, and she helped me to work up the courage, so I walked over, had this conversation below, then went back and told Yuuka what happened.. Oh yeh this happened on Wednesday, or maybe it was Thursday. Not sure. But.. here we go:

I walked over to him and said...
me: "hey matthew, will you come here a sec?"
matthew: "sure" then we walked into the other room.
me: "umm, I was wondering, do you wanna, maybe, go to a movie or something?"
matthew: "are you asking me out?"
me: "kinda.. yeh." but I was thinking- no duh dude!
matthew: "well, I was actually" and right then I was positive he was gonna say no, or that he was gonna ask someone else out, but he said... "well i was actually gonna ask you out tonight."
me: "really!? oh, cool! Well, do you wanna....."
matthew: "go to a movie? we could see the new transformers... u said u wanted to see it?"
me: "sure, i'd luv 2!"
matthew: "awesome! well, i think the guys are gonna be asking me a ton of questions cuz they're standing behind you telling me to meet them outside, so... I'll see you later? 7:30?
me: (after I looked behind me to see them gestering towards the door): "great! I'll.. see you then!"

So, at seven thirty, I met him back at the Graveyard, and we drove to the movies. Here's what happened:
He came, we drove talked on the way to the movies. We saw Transformers 2 and it was great!!! He put his arm around me at the movies. And oh yeh this was my first date. Ever. Yeh. So it was really special. After the movie, we hung out at the Graveyard (luckily everyone else went into another room). I had so much fun! He didn't kiss me. But we're going on another date tomorrow. I can't wait! I'll give you all the details!

Have fun!
~Lily Benan


  1. Aww poor Chloe :( Send her my love! I hope she feels better soon!

    I'm glad that you had fun on your date with Matthew! Oh, I LOVED the Transformers movie!
    And be sure to give us LOTS of details on your next date ;) haha

  2. I'm happy you had so much fun with Matthew! And Tell Chloe this for me, there will always be people that wont do things because of what other people think. thier called followers. And honestly if he cant like you for you, because he cares too much about what other people think, he's not worth it.


  3. AH! That's SOOO great! Way to go! WOOHOO. Tell chloe to tell seth to shove his excuses up his ass. Jerk. I agree with Yuuka, there's always gonna be that person who is SO sensitive to what other people think about them when what they really should think is "Who gives a f***?" Give chloe our love!

    ``werewolf moon``

    PS. You so boosted Z's Ego. Lord. Now he's thinking he could be a relationship coulumnist in the newspaper.

  4. Paris~

    Chloe says thanks! She is starting to feel a little better. We went and had Girl's Night. Well it was more of a girls morning. haha.

    I will give you all the deets on my next date!

  5. Yuuka~

    Chloe said, "Thanks so much Yuuka! You can always make someone feel better! You rock!!!" She's feeling a little better now!


  6. Werewolf MOon!

    WOOHOO is right! I told Chloe what you said and that made her really smile for the first time since the convo! Thanks!

    Z, I'm sorry, you may be helpful to me, but to some, your a little... harsh. But keep the advice coming for me! =D

  7. Z~
    Hmmnn, well, it might be that cussing people when they need to be consoled isn't the best way to make most people feel good. But you give really good advice for me! =D

  8. HEY! You did the same thing! I saw that comment, uh huh. Okay so i give sucky advice when I'm actually involved in the situation. I'm a sensitive werewolf.


  9. Z~
    Fine, your right, I was quite harsh, but, what can I say? Danny fucked up pretty bad!

  10. Lily -
    Of course not. I'm a werewolf you're a zombie we're always bad, bad to the bone. (wow that was a poor joke. Yes we are good)


  11. Z~
    Hooray!!! Lmao. Whats up in ur world?

  12. Z~
    Ell Oh Ell! Your so ridiculous Z.

    Oh yeh in my world MAtthew STILL hasnt kissed me!

  13. Lily -
    Give the boy some time, you girls are always pressuring us into things. The dude's nervous. CHILL. When he's ready he will.

    And I'm a werewolf, isn't it sorta my job to be ridiculous?


  14. Z~

    Good point. But I'm sure you'd be ridiculous nonetheless. And I wouldn't be talking, my whole existance kinda defies the laws of nature. :P

    P.S. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
    I know I need to chill I don't care that much just... GUYS R WORSE THAN GIRLS AT PRESSURING :P

  15. Lily -
    Yeah, that's a definate possibility. MINE TOO! We are freaks of nature...hahahaha.

    **Rolls eyes and sighs dramatically**
    We're guys. That's what we do.



About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life