Sunday, June 7, 2009

Guest Speaker #3 Paris!

I've asked my first three followers, madiSON, Werewolf Moon, and Paris to send me blog entries to post. madiSON=vampire. Werewolf Moon(Tony)=Werewolf. Paris=human. Me=zombie. As you've noticed, we've got a wide variety here on my blog. But here's... DRUMROLL PLEASE... Paris!

Well, you've heard from a werewolf, a vampire, and this blog is run by a zombie.  So now, it's time you heard from me... a human!  Please, hold your applause.
I believe that at one point in your life, you wish that something 'exciting' would happen.  Not just like going on a vacation, no.  More like 'I wish I was a VAMPIRE' or whatever so-called 'mythical' creature of your choice.  Lately, I've been wondering, what the heck happened to all of those people?  Where did they go?  Why is it that when they finally have the opportunity to experience something great and unknown, they high tail it the other way?  In a way, I feel bad for all of those people who can't face the truth.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone has to be BFF's with a 'mythical', but people can at least try to understand them.  And I would like to let it be known that when I first heard of zombies being real, I freaked out... for like weeks.  But, I sat myself down and thought for a long time.  I came to the conclusion that if you guys were so bad, there would be stuff all over the news about zombies killing people.  And there wasn't. 
When I started my own blog, I followed Tommy Williams (who is a zombie) and found out about werewolves and vampires and demons existing too.  To me, this kind of thing is a dream come true.  I mean, who doesn't want to live in a world where there are mythical creatures?  I thought most people would like it too, but I guess I was wrong.  It makes me sad that people don't want to know about you guys.  I for one find you very interesting and love learning about all of the mythicals.

I've thought the same things: People LOVE to read about mythical creatures. I always heard people say (before m.c.'s came around) 'Oh, I wish we had creatures like this! That would be awesome.' Well, be careful what you wish for. If anyone wants to send me an email, even just to chat, send one along to me at

Thanks, and Thanks to Paris!!


  1. Paris hit it right on the spot! I've met one person that read a vampire book and said it would be awesome if vampires were real right in my face...well he got his wish and now he hates me...lots of people do....maybe one day they will realize that they said what they said and what they said came true and now they have to face up too it. Go paris!

  2. I totally agree, once some people realized that M.C.'s started to show up, they euther ran for thier lives or started hating them for no reason at all. Maybe one day people will realize that we can live together in unison.

  3. You're welcome!
    Thanks for having me.

    Yeah Yuuka, I hope that too... hopefully it will be someday in our, well that actually depends on if you're a vamp or zombie or werewolf or human ^^'. I guess I hope it happenes in MY lifetime

  4. Diddo on that, on all of it. On what Maddison, Yuuka and Paris. And btw thanks again to my 3 great guest speakers! Speaking of speakers, I haven't seen (when I say seen I mean she hasn't written much) lately. Hope all is well with her!



About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life