Friday, July 31, 2009


In one hour (about) the vampires are gonna attack. Probably. At least sometime in the next twenty four hours. Tony left a while ago to go fight them. I'm really worried that some of them will get hurt, I've never heard her sound so worried. I know they won't read this until after the fight, but I need to say, Good luck. To all of you. You'll be okay. Don't let them screw you guys up.

On a happier note, I went on a super fun date laser tagging with Gavin!! Oh and we told Matthew about us. Here's what happened:

Gavin walked over to him and said:
Gavin: Hey Matthew.
Matthew: ((looked confused)) hi Gavin...
Gavin: Okay well I'm gonna get right to the point and tell you.
Matthew: Tell me what?
Gavin: I'm going out with Lily.
Matthew: Pschh you wish. She'd never go out with you!
Gavin: ((and that made him really pissed, he looked like he was about to punch him, I went over))
Lily: Actually, I am.
Matthew: Are you kidding me!?
Lily: Do I look like I'm kidding? ((Gavin was laughing, I DID NOT look like I was kidding))
Matthew: Noo...
Gavin: Good. Now that we've got that all settled...

and then Matthew left.

Now once again, good luck to the werewolves, if anything happens to any of you, I will be so upset. As well as the rest of us here at the Graveyard.
Good night, and good luck,



  1. I'm freaking out too!!
    And the fact that Tony hasn't updated yet is making me nervous...

  2. Werewolf Moon *Danny*
    No, your not.

  3. Oh my gosh! I hope that everyone stays safe! i mean....I would HATE it if anyone got hurt!!!!!!! Just thinking about it...that someone could and might get hurt is tensing me up....


About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life