Wednesday, July 22, 2009

UnExPeCtEd NeWs

'Kay so ((dip. LOL get it, like queso dip? haha sorry i'm kinda hyper now. hyper+bored+me= insanity)) anyways... Gavin asked me out!!!!! :O I'm not telling you what I said, you'll have to just read the convo below ((haha that kinda rhymes.. see what I mean I'm crazy!!)) okay heres what happened: btw when stuff is in ((these)) then that means I didn't say them. Just what I did and crap.

Gavin: Hey Lilster.
Me: Don't call me that. Chloe is the only one that calls me that.
Gavin: And why can't I?
Me: Are you Chloe? ((then I looked him up and down)) No. You aren't.
Gavin: Why does she get to call you that?
Me: I've know her since I was like, 12! I always call her Chloster and she calls me Lilster. Okay?
Gavin: Well what can I call you?
Me: (mutters:)freak. ((in normal volume)) You can call me Lily. can you do that?
Gavin: I don't know.. I might have some difficulty. ((then he winked))
Me: God you are so difficult.
Gavin: ((chuckles))
Me: What? Didja just come over to bug me?
Gavin: No, I actually came over to ask you something. by the way, You know I don't try to bug you.
Me: Yeh.. I guess its just a natural talent for you, your so practiced at it, that you don't have to try anymore!
Gavin: Lily, I was-
Me: annoying me? I noticed.
Gavin: Let, Me Finish. No, I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go out on a date.
Me: ((got really quiet and felt super bad)) Oh.
Gavin: *tilted head* is that a yes? or a no?
Me: Umm, its a... uhhh,
Gavin: Its okay to say yes.
Me: I'm sorry. not now. Me and Matthew just got to being friends and I don't want to mess that up.
Gavin: *looked saddish* Okay.
Me: ((i regret saying this but I just felt so bad)) Maybe another time. After me and matthew are okay.
Gavin: *smiles and winkz* sounds good Lilster.
Me: ((i was thinking: deep breath lily, don't get mad)) *closed eyes and took a breath*

(When I opened my eyes, his face was about an inch away. and I said, 'so will you stop flirting with me?' he replied, "never." and then he walked away.

I"M SO FRUSTRATED!! BTW This happened about 5 minutes ago. Matthew doesn't know. Only me, anney, chloe, and whoever gavin told. Oh yeh and Gavin of course.


Oh yeh, I want to wish all of Tony's pack a good luck. Stay strong.


  1. OMG really?! That's so awesome!!!!

    ANd thanks lily. W/o, your support and advice I don't think I could stay entirely sane.

  2. No problem. It'll be okay, and don't let Alex and them drive you insane. You can always just tell him to shut up! :D haha.

    And 'that's so awesome!!!!!' eh. haven't decided if its good or not.


About Me

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I am Zombilicious Lily! A zombie girl who loves to read, especially fantasy/mythical. I've got three blogs, Lily Benan: Zombie Girl AND Read to Live-Live to Read AND My So-Called Life